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Can acupuncture improve my eyesight?

Acupuncture is sometimes used as an alternative treatment for eye health problems. Many people see results and benefits of acupuncture on their overall eye health.


How Eye Disorders Are Treated With Acupuncture

Oriental medicine pays close attention to the relationship between tissues and organs.  Sometimes an imbalance within the body can manifest as an eye problem, just as the health of the eyes is often a reflection of an imbalance or health problem elsewhere in the body.

When you are treated for an eye condition with acupuncture, any underlying imbalances that are attributing to your symptoms will be addressed.  The eye problems will also be treated directly by promoting circulation of Qi (life force) and blood around the eyes.

Common eye problems treated with acupuncture include:

  • Glaucoma
  • Cataracts
  • Chronic Dry Eyes
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Optic Neuritis
  • Optic Atrophy
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