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Dear Dr. Tony,

Where do I begin? You and acupuncture have saved my life. In 2011 I found myself in the middle of a horribly dark place with no end in sight. I was incredibly depressed and anxiety ridden and every doctors solution was medication. Xanax and Paxil are the two I was prescribed, and they did nothing but make me a zombie. I wasn’t happy, quite frankly, I wasn’t anything. The medication took every feeling from me. I was just there. And just when I thought there was no hope, I was referred to you. After just one treatment with you, I felt myself feeling peace. And by the third and fourth, I didn’t take any medication and felt better than I ever had. To this day, I don’t worry hen some of those feelings from the past come back, because I know one trip to see you, and I’m myself again. Words can’t express enough how thankful I am for you and all you’ve done. I am so blessed to know you and have acupuncture in my life.



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