I cannot espouse the benefits of acupuncture enough. Acupuncture has done more for me in under three visits than all modern medicine has done in the last 5 years. My mind is clear. There’s no pain, there’s no inflammation. I’m losing weight. My body feels energized and I am sleeping through the night. I wake up more refreshed after each visit. It is amazing. It’s mind-blowing. If you’ve ever thought about it just do it, don’t think, just do it. If you have anxiety or stress do it. Find a reputable acupuncturist who is Dr. Tony and just try it. Be open-minded and try it that’s all I can tell you.
- Driven Wellness3535 A Rose St
Franklin Park, Illinois 60131Office: 847-233-0806
Cell: 708-308-8669
Fax: 847-233-0453 Clinic Hours
Mon - Fri2pm - 8pmSat9am-4pm
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