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I first came to see Dr. Tony in 2017. I had a bad shoulder that was not responding at all to drugs or therapy, he told me it would take 6 to 12 visits on my first visit. After the very first visit, I was able to put my shirt on which I couldn’t do before without pain. I told him I had a cough for three years which would not relent. After 6 visits I stopped coughing. What blew my mind was when I told him I was getting ready to have eye surgery, at this point, I was really a believer. After 5 visits my pain in my eyes and dryness disappeared and I cancelled my surgery. To this day I’m still fine and continue with follow up treatments with Dr. Tony. Initially, I was very skeptical about acupuncture but now my family and I consult with him first regardless the health conditions, thank you so much for saving me.




Sergio Salinas

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